Strategic planning is key to a community action agency’s success. A good plan gives an agency focus and accountability by setting out the changes the organization wants to achieve with families, communities and staff.

MICA’s planning experts can guide agencies through the various planning stages:

  • determining the current status of families and the communities in which they live
  • setting the priorities on which the agency will focus
  • articulating specific outcomes the agency will achieve and the indicators that will measure their success, structured around the six nationalROMA goals
  • rendering the agency’s strategic vision into a beautiful, compelling document that can be shared with community partners, families and staff
  • converting the strategic plan into a set of planning and monitoring documents that enable every staff person to understand his/her work and how it fits into the agency’s vision
  • establishing with the board of directors an ongoing planning cycle to ensure regular monitoring of the strategic plan and possible retooling of the document the best site to buy replica watches online. High quality watches, unbeatable prices, and fast shipping!